Dear Members, dear Insurance Lawyers,

Significant changes in the Luxembourg insurance market, such as the entrance of new market players due to Brexit, or the refocusing of insurers on their core business, have been accompanied by transfers of insurance and reinsurance portfolios.

In this conference, the speakers guided us through the process of transferring insurance and reinsurance portfolios, covering key phases such as preparation, due diligence, negotiation of transfer contracts and obtaining approval from the insurance supervisor. They also addressed important legal considerations such as protection of policyholder rights, maintaining professional secrecy, compliance with data protection regulations and adhering to anti-money laundering rules. Additionally, the speakers discussed potential solutions for legal challenges that may arise in relation to the transfer process.


Date :              Wednesday 16 October 2024, from 12h15 to 13h00, followed by a light lunch

Venue :           CLIFFORD CHANCE, 10, Boulevard G.D. Charlotte, L-1330 Luxembourg

Speakers :      Me Udo PRINZ, Counsel in the Global Financial Markets Department and in the Insurance Practice of Clifford Chance                                 

 Me Isadora ROUSSELLE, Senior Associate in the Global Financial Markets Department and in the Insurance Practice of Clifford Chance

Moderation:   Mr Peter VERMEULEN, Member of AIDA steering committee and of ALJB board


Language: The session was held in English.

Members only: Thanks to the generous sponsoring by CLIFFORD CHANCE, the event was free of charge but reserved for ALJB (including AIDA) members

Registrations: REGISTRATIONS CLOSED. The number of participants was limited to 40.

Certificate of attendance: Participants who registered online and signed the register on premises received a certificate of attendance.

Presentation : please find below the final slides of the conference

Pictures: During the event, pictures were taken and published on ALJB and AIDA websites as well as on social media.


Durée :
1 h
Adresse :
CLIFFORD CHANCE, 10, Boulevard G.D. Charlotte, L-1330 Luxembourg