The prize of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Juristes de Droit Bancaire (ALJB) was created by the Association in order to promote the study of banking or financial law of interest to the Luxembourg financial center.
The awarding of the prize is governed by the following conditions :
Article 1
The ALJB Prize is awarded for works (dissertations, articles) on banking or financial law topics of interest to the Luxembourg financial center. These documents must be of a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 40 pages in A4 format (i.e. a text of approximately 20,000 to 80,000 characters), graphs and bibliographies not included. The papers submitted for the prize must be written in French or English.
Article 2
To be selected, the works presented must be unpublished. Only one article per author will be accepted, works common to several authors will be allowed to compete.
Article 3
The ALJB Prize is open to any person, member or not of the ALJB, under 40 years of age in the year of the deadline for the submission of the works.
Article 4
An invitation to compete for the ALJB Prize will be sent to ALJB members at least three months before the closing date for submission of papers and will be published in legal and financial journals, selected by the ALJB.
Article 5
Candidates for the prize must send their typed documents, by regular mail and by electronic mail, to the secretariat of the prize (address specified in the text of the competition announcement) before the closing date indicated in the invitation referred to in Article 4, clearly indicating on the package "ALJB prize".
Each application must be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the candidate's age.
None of the documents sent (including originals and computer media) will be returned to the candidates.
Article 6
Several prizes may be awarded. The prizes will consist of a diploma signed jointly by the President of the Jury and the President of the ALJB as well as an award ranging from 2,500 euros to 7,500 euros.
Article 7
A jury shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of the ALJB. A President will be appointed from among the members of the Jury upon proposal of the Board of Directors of the ALJB.
Article 8
The jury will be the sole judge of the works selected to compete, after prior selection. It will make its decision on the awarding of the prize known to the Board of Directors of the ALJB, at the latest four months after the closing date, in the form of a detailed report. The jury will have the right, depending on the number and quality of the works received, not to propose any laureate for the award of the prize, not to award all the prizes, or to propose to award the prizes ex aequo, this within the limit of the maximum sum determined by the Board of Directors of the ALJB. It may propose special mentions. The Board of Directors of the ALJB will award the prizes according to the decision of the Jury and will inform the winners in writing. The decision of the Jury shall be final and without appeal at any level.
Article 9
The name(s) and prize(s) of the award winner(s) may be published in the legal and financial press and in any other medium chosen by the ALJB. The ALJB shall have the right to publish, in priority, at its own expense, the works awarded by this prize, in the publications, books, and media of its choice.
Candidates for the prize must send their typed documents, by regular mail and by electronic mail to the secretariat of the prize (address specified in the text of the competition announcement) before the closing date indicated in the invitation referred to in Article 4, clearly indicating on the package "ALJB prize". Each file must be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the age of the candidate. The ALJB Prize is open to any person, member or not of the ALJB, under 40 years of age in the year of the deadline for the submission of manuscripts.